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Jen York, IBCLC

In 2010, I gave birth to our first son. I was not prepared for the struggle of breastfeeding. I assumed that breastfeeding was natural and so would come naturally. My sweet baby boy refused to latch while in the hospital. I was lucky to have a mother-in-law that breastfed her babies and helped other mothers breastfeed through La Leche League. With her support, I was able to manage breastfeeding. With each baby, I encountered a new breastfeeding experience in which I was empowered to learn more. In each case, I was made aware of the importance of support. 


Breastfeeding is so much more then offering nutrition to our babies. I believe breastfeeding to be a basic barometer for human health. If a baby cannot latch and/or a mother cannot make milk, we need to look for and address the underlying conditions. I make it my goal to find and help correct those underlying conditions.


In 2012, I started my path to become a Board Certified Lactation Consultant. When I was ready to sit for my board certification in 2016, I had well over the required 2000 clinical hours. Throughout my career, I have made it a point to continue my education. I make it a goal to attend at least 2 trainings a year.


I am trained to work with the most difficult of breastfeeding cases. I work closely with area providers should referrals need to be made. 


Additional Training:

Level 2 Dynamic Body Balancing 

Masters Class of Rehabilitation of the Tongue Tied Baby 

The Tummy Time Method

The Other Breastfeeding Dyad: IBCLC and Bodyworkers

Infant Massage Instructor



"My twins were born exactly 6 weeks early and spent their first 36 days in the NICU. As a first time mom with plans to breastfeed, this was devastating. Though I was able to exclusively pump for my twins, they were taught how to bottle feed and given pacifiers: two things I wanted to - at the very least - hold off on while the babies learned how to feed.

I had three challenges:

1) Producing enough milk to provide for two babies (when my supply was established from the pump).


2) Getting the kids to latch regularly and, eventually, ditch the pump


3) Learning to tandem feed to save time 


In two consultations Jen was able to help me achieve all three goals. What I loved about Jen was her judgment-free candor and her willingness to listen to and push for my goals. 


Jen gave me resources to help my kids and I succeed, and she was constantly checking in on and encouraging me. So much so that within three weeks of being home from the NICU, my bottle-fed babies were latching and eating from the breast at each feeding. 


My breast feeding journey felt like it was over before it started but with the help of a knowledgable and encouraging IBCLC in Jen, I was able to reach my goal without struggling". -Lindsay

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